Package location on the map
My Package will show your package location on the map. This will help you a lot to understand how far your package is.
My Package will show your package location on the map. This will help you a lot to understand how far your package is.
My package supports push notification. You can get notification when package status is updated.
We know forwarding emails to someone else is too scary for entering tracking number. Send just a tracking number to your device directly with our bookmarklet.
Find out moreHigh volume shipping? No problem. My Package supports barcode scanner to enter tracking number.
My package has an option to remove ad or receiving unlimited push notification through in-app purchase. Or unlocking all existing and future limitations by going with Pro version!
Drag the next link ("Track this package") to your browser's bookmark bar to install the bookmarklet. Then check the slideshow on the left.
Bookmarklet Link
Push count limitation for "My Package" app will be reset 1st day of the month.
Device code is a 4-10 length text to identify your device from the system. It can be found in the "Setings" screen. Since device code consists of numbers, capital and small letters, it might be hard to identify each character. In such case, tap push notification setting to see the device code bigger with different font.
Unfortunately No. Tracking information stored in each carrier's database is not updated in real time. Also our checking system requires up to 1 hour extra time. So there are a couple of hours delays will be expected to receive push notification for each event.
That is push notification's limitation. If Apple's push system does not recognize your device online, push notification requests are stored on Apple's server and processed when Apple's system recognizes your device online. However, Apple's push system sent the last (latest) push notification even if it received multiple push requests.
If you want to send multiple tracking numbers, please make sure you it is delivered on the device one by one. (If you enable notification center, you can open received push notifications later.)
If you are having a problem with receiving push notification, please check following things.
My Package has several limitations. In version 3.0, My Package shows advertisement in some screens and limited to register 30 tracking items per calendar month for push notification. Each of limitation can be unlocked by buying in-app purchase item. "My Package Pro" does not have any limitations that "My Package" has.
In-App purchase for "My Package" app is for whose satisfies with current basic features but want to remove just one of the limitations. Some of the upcoming features might be included as additional In-App purchase item for "My Package" but all of new features will be included in "My Package Pro" without an extra purchase.
We’d love to hear from you. Contact us using following media or using 'My Package' app.